Nuggets of Wisdom from Social Media

Every once in a while, I come across a nugget of wisdom on social media. Today, I read this post in response to another post concerning the “recruiting crisis” in the US military. I think it’s spot on.

Historically, less than one percent of the US population was serving at any given time since the end of them military draft. I agree we have a health crisis in this country, but the country doesn't need to focus on the 77% that do not qualify for military service, they need to focus on the 23% that do. The military recruiting crisis is due to the fact that historically the enlisted ranks have been fueled by two demographics, poor urban kids (mostly black and hispanic), and poor rural kids (mostly white). It was a a pretty even split, although rural communities were giving 3-to-1 times more recruits per capita than urban areas due to population density. In this new age of "woke" politics and political scandals, the rural populations are no longer giving up their young men and women to go serve in a military that is driven by ESG instead of warfighting and patriotism. As a Marine, I served because I love my country and I hold the Constitution, as it is written, dear. There is no way in hell I'd serve in today's military. We have a president and vice president that continually denounce the Constitution and are weaponizing the DOJ to negatively impact the campaign of their biggest political rival; and to anyone that says different, you're either blind, biased, or complicit. If we want to end this recruiting crisis, we need to end "woke" politics and ESG in the military and return to be a warfighting force that upholds the Constitution, as it is written, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. That's easier said than done when two of the greatest enemies to the Constitution are the Commander-In-Chief and his vice president. It may be time for the tree of liberty to be watered yet again.

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